Commission Junction Basics (Sales, Leads, Clicks, CTR, CR, CPM, EPC) Part-2

Monday, December 7, 2009

Hey guys now about Clicks....


If u want to earn on the clicks u have to put the advertiser's ad in ur blog or website. If any one visited ur blog or website by seeing the ad if they r interested in the offer or discount which is by the advertiser they will click the ad to know about the offer or discount of the advertiser. Then the click will be noted on to the advertiser. Actually the advertiser will pay on the basis of 100 clicks per 7 days and 1000 clicks per 3 months. If u reach 100 clicks in any particular week u will get the amount which is offered by the advertiser and also for 1000 clicks for 3 months. The advertiser will vary the amount every day and on average he will pay u the offered amount to u. Actually this is all depends on the sale or lead u made for the advertiser. The earning of EPC or EPM only starts only when a sale or lead made by ur publishing or promoting. So concentrate on sales and leads first.

The CTR must be below 5. Then only the earnings will be high. For that ur impressions had to be high. When u r putting ad of the advertiser just read the advertisers description about the product and the offers given by the advertiser. The payment for EPC & EPM will vary according to the banner u will select. So choose the best banner and as well as the size of the banner. The bigger banner u select the attraction of the customer also bigger.


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